Saturday, June 8, 2019

Friendship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Friendship - Essay ExampleThis seems to be contradictory to authors who seem to have the inclination that friends who argon equal tend to bond more closely than those that are unequal. From a critical examination, friendship should be complementary as the parties people are unique beings with different capacities and potentials.The author seems to hold the motif that friendship is crucial in eliminating loneliness among individuals who are isolated from their families. Those who have little contact with their relatives and families acquire by entering into strong friendships with those who they associate with every day. In chapter one, Steinbeck states, Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They dont belong no place....With us it aint like that. We got a future (13-14). The implication of this statement is that the purpose of friendship is to eliminate loneliness that one may suffer from after isolation from their family membe rs. Steinbeck holds the idea that friendship is an important perspective of life for many people. Another idea that the author puts across is that friends are meant to look after each other for the rice beer of their own good. On this note, friendship is meant to be a two way relationship in which all parties benefit symbiotically. One of the characters, Lennie, in chapter one says that because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and thats why, a statement that shows the nature of their friendship (14). This is the foundation of the relationship between the two friends. In this light, the drool provides that friendship is crucial as it provides members of the society with an opportunity to benefit from social relationships.There is a great controversy on whether friendship is based on the inequality of the partners or on their similar attitudes. From the beginning of the novel, we note that the two friends, Lennie and George, are

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